The North Pacific Coastline

The sheer expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Thirty percent of the Earth’s surface. So properly christened Peaceful by Magellan. The incredible coastline of the East Pacific, stretching from the northern tip of Western Alaska to the southern tip of Chile. Inviting and soothing at times and places, like a kitten. Crushing and spewing and hissing and boiling at its mightiest. Dotted with coves and lagoons […]

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Sea Birds of the Pacific Northwest

As I was driving along Highway 101 to my new temporary home town of Arcata, California, I stopped overnight in a charming fishing town of Newport, Oregon. Besides great CouchSuring hosts, another highlight of Newport was the Oregon Coast Aquarium, with their Passages of the Deep and the Sea Bird Aviary. Even though it was January, and the birds weren’t in their bright mating outfits,

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Lighthouses of the Pacific Northwest

OK, so it’s actually the Pacific Northeast, from the Pacific point of view, you know, but I’ll leave that for another discourse. There is something about lighthouses and waterfalls that stand out as destinations for so many people. Personally, waterfalls have never been a draw for me. I would rather have a trail end at a tree – or a so much more useful tree

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Roosevelt Elk: The Overture

One of the largest mammals of North America are a mere half-hour drive from Arcata, northern California. Roosevelt Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti), the largest sub-species of elk, can often be spotted between Humboldt Lagoons and Prairie Creek Redwoods State Parks. In fact, after the Redwoods, they are the easiest to spot drive-by attraction here, spending most of their time grazing in open pastures or resting

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